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Nintendo GameCube
PlayStation 2


fantasy action-adventure 3D platformer open world cinematic platformer puzzle platformer ghost collect-a-thon platformer

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ICO 2001
So much to admire here. The HUDless screen allowing the environment to truly move the player, the way the macro design teaches you to play it wordlessly, the powerful poetic imagery, the sound design, the expressive animations, the best save points in any video game, only one boss fight and it manages to be quite good. Even some of what doesnt feel right still manages to work in a way. Take the combat, unwieldy, sluggish, but uncluttered by needless reward creates a sense of genuine dread at your lack of ability to reliably keep the shadow creatures from taking Yorda away from you, reinforcing that relationship that is the entire core of the game. Yet I would be lying if I said playing the game was not an exercise in frustration due to an antiquated engine, often ill-advised microdesign and frankly inadequate UI. I personally interpreted the story to be about a shunned, openly queer boy being sent away to conversion therapy where he attempts to rescue the abusive pastors closeted lesbian daughter. Yorda is obviously a needlessly, often frustratingly passive character and perpetuates regressive ideas of femininitys role in video games, however I cant help but kind of kin her. Shes quiet and needs to be dragged around and just wants to take a nap with a boy. Same, girl. Ico never quite feels like a fully formed piece to me. Its a game I recommend everyone play once, just once. Second playthrough is worse, translating the text cards was objectively not it.
ICO 2022-12-02T08:51:43Z
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Excellent movement. Several missed opportunities for microlevel design but macro design is pretty top tier. Unsatisyingly basic combat. Music is excellent. Visual design works well and world feels big and lived in. No real challenge but very little bullshit. I would say an essential PS2 title and 3D platformer collectathon for young audiences and a decent bit of fun for adults. Recommended as your first 100% even though the curscene reward for doing so is very lame.
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy 2022-11-25T09:19:31Z
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Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective 2022-11-25T09:04:02Z
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The mansion makes a great exploratory structure. Music and sound in general shine. The core gameplay here is decent and had potential for better but is stretched rather thin especially toward the end. Bosses are trash. Makes a good quick play for a halloween ritual celebration and is a decently fun curiosity. Not recommended for completion. Not an essential gamecube title or 3D metroidvania.
Luigi's Mansion 2022-11-22T00:24:49Z
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Comfortable to interact with yet deeply unwieldy to control. Camera, mobility flawed and messy in ways that cause frequent frustration. Level design often stretching these flaws to their limits. Level design feels underthought yet overstuffed. Bosses are trash. Aesthetically lovely and impressive. Brimming with visual flair. Soundtrack goes hard. The lack of longjump literally is not a problem even a little. Nor the voice acting. Worth a casula playthrough, not recommended for completion or even extended interaction. Far from an essential 3D platformer, Gamecube title or Mario title.
Super Mario Sunshine 2022-11-22T00:14:39Z
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23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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