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子曰:「必也正名乎!」【論語十三之三】 Tử viết: "Tất giả chánh danh hồ!" 【Luận Ngữ 13,3】 Confucius said: "What is necessary is to rectify the names." 【Lunyu 13,3】

famous last words:

Knorkator - Kinderlied (2008) 交響曲第五番『朝御飯』 ต้อย หมวกแดง - อย่าขอหมอลำ from หมอร็อค หมอลำ
Symphony No. 5 "Breakfast"
Last single before they disbanded
Here's my translation:

Children’s song

Our fathers are losers,
Never got anywhere.
Always dreamt oft he big breakthrough
But that’s not that easy.
Today they stand in front of the ruins
Of their tedious existence.
Still making a laughing stock of themselves
For a few hundred fans.

Meanwhile over 40
Set aside all good things.
Now even their own offspring
Is sent into the race.
Come on, we’ll make you a pop star
They cheerfully said.
But whether we really want that–
Nobody asked that.

Now we stand there in the limelight
We’re being exhibited.
They stare at us.
We can’t defend.
We’re much too small
For the business, for the rock’n‘roll
We feel burnt out for your greed and vanity.

The weird choice of word alone
which nearly breaks my tongue
and doesn’t fit at all
My childlike rhetoric.
Besides, I can’t sing
But technics shall straighten that out
Edited at the computer
Is every single note.

Now we stand there in the limelight
We’re being exhibited.
They stare at us.
We can’t defend.
We’re much too small
For the business, for the rock’n‘roll
We feel burnt out for your greed and vanity.



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User #177,254

Joined 2007-04-12T14:53:04Z

23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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