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So about me:
Aspiring biomedical engineer. Also considering bioengineering, aeronautical engineering, or even electromechanical engineering.

Basically the biggest smartass ever and hates everything.

I sometimes don't rate stuff a lot because it's either I'm stressed as heck, got no wifi, or just going through old junz.

Music is pretty much my biggest passion. I also love literature, science, athletics, and comedy.

I don't watch movies a lot so it'd be cool if you'd ref me sum.

Feel free to message me or ask for my snapchat if u feel like it.

My rating system.

5- dude I love this so much. I've listened to these albums like hundreds of times over the course of a few years. Every song is fresh every time I hear it.
4.5- basically on deck 5, not quite there maybe cuz I only recently got into it. In some cases I love these almost as much as fives but.
4- listen to it regularly, love every song.
3.5- it's bangenin. Listen when I'm in the mood.
3- like a lot of aspects of it, pretty consistent but lacking in a few parts.
2.5- yeah I like it, might lose my attention from time to time but it cool.
2- boring, not that bad but loses my attention often.
1.5- maybe a cool part or two? Mostly bad.
1-will probably not come back at all.
.5- some meme band?




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  • ... 2017-06-20 20:20:20.4+00
    Some people would compare this unforgettable series as a pokemon type fighting game but just because these girls gain experience reyearth is not based on an rpg. The rpg came after the series. These three girls were students in a Japanese high school where a portal was opened while they were on a field trip. They were catapulted in another universe... these girls Anemone Luce and Milena(european names)...
    ... found themselves in another world against their will and had to fight to gain experience making their weapons and powers evolve ... the three powers none of whom could use each others weapon needed to find their ultimate armor guardian mechs to save the princess which was done unsucessfully...
    There is a good ending to all of this... they get back home... but to know more... you gotta find a way to see Rayearth (Una porta socchiusa ai confini del sole.)
    Slayers, another anime series that is only known to the greatest of anime fans.
    This like other anime series including sailor moon, a bow for a dream, Seya and Lisa one heart one secret (Seya e lisa un solo cuore per lo stesso segreto) and other incredible anime series are most of the time chopped up into an anime fruit salad or never even shown either on cassette or television...

    Slayers is one of those series where you need to rent the series. Many of the american dubbed versions have added dialogue that has nothing to do with the plot so i reccomend to rent a cassette in original language japanese with subtitles for the ones that have a little trouble understanding japanese. He he eh.
    Slayers is about Rina (Lina in the USA) who is a wich which uses her most popular attack il fulmine rosso (dragonslay in the USA).

    Rina meets a bunch a dudes that intend to kill her but then become friends. A shady and sinister but funny guy, Zeross (or Xellos in the USA) is a deamon with
    powers that don't seem to charact-
    erize this sort of guy but he seems
    quite hepful when Rina is in danger.
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  • ... 2017-06-22 00:52:18.676882+00
    You are very welcome :)
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  • ... 2017-06-22 01:06:13.187086+00
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  • ... 2017-06-22 04:14:10.870935+00
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  • ... 2017-06-22 21:22:10.300682+00
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  • ... 2017-06-22 22:40:02.760514+00
    thank you
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  • fade_away 2017-07-01 23:30:13.451416+00
    done (:
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  • IanPaiva15 2017-07-05 14:31:32.951378+00
    Well, I am changing a few ratings to fit my new rating system, so my number of 5 star ratings is slightly changing. :)
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