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I believe we have a duty to ourselves to continually challenge ourselves in various ways. Challenging yourself is a significant key to figuring out what your limits are. And not knowing what your limits are, you won't know just what you can do in this world. Challenge yourself. If you're not right now, try it, you may even realize that you like it. Being comfortable is one of the most deceptive feelings in the world.

Music is infinitely interesting. I believe it to be the best medium.

I don't rate singles, that's cheating. There is way too much damn music out there (and I love it :3c).

Some more info on my ratings, because I love being thorough.

[ All-time favorite album, since January 2013 to May 2015: Loveless ]

5 stars <<< Hopeless Euphoria >>>:

The ultimate vision of what music can achieve with regards to your aural and mental experience. An album rated 5 stars is likely to be flawless, or the bigger picture is so grand that the flaws seem like tiny specks of unimportant dust. But, even if it wasn't flawless, I wouldn't care because that hardly affects my ratings anyway -- I don't seek perfection. I prefer a messy steak to some perfect steak that doesn't really sate me. So, to elaborate some here: I do not give out 5's, like, ever. If an album is perfect, or it was a perfect extension of an artist or genre's vision, that does not earn it a 5 with me. Again, perfection really has no effect on if I give something a 5. A 5 makes a lot of the bulk of other mediums look like goddamn jokes.

4.5 stars <<< Ultimate >>>:

When I easily say something is "fantastic", it is considered to be bumped up to 4.5 stars. Very strong, usually layered music resides here. Normally an album has to have a coherent, tight theme to be placed here. Unexpected delightful twists near the end of a 4.0 can sometimes make me consider bumping it to 4.5. However, sometimes the music is so strong that it only suits me in a certain mood, although I very much recognize the talent behind it and enjoy listening to it. So these albums may have less replay value than albums from the 4.0-3.5 range.

4 stars <<< Fantastic >>>:

Saying something is "fantastic" after some consideration. I don't like to give 4 stars or above easily, but as elitist as I'd like to be, a lot of the music I listen to really strikes me as quite good. I enjoy music A LOT more than I don't. It's like... 98% enjoyment versus the occasional 2%. For something to achieve this rank, the music usually has to have a personality, and a fairly coherent theme. There's some special spice in the music at this point. Here is where the wheat is separated from the chaff. Normal people (the kind who only listen to songs, and by songs anything that's on the radio and the very occasional album by some talked-about-a-lot band) often don't know that music can be as good as what you would hear here. Usually, music in this spot has the highest replay value of all my music. Often at this point, I'm audibly saying "wow" at the music and my eyes are widening and I'm quite happy.

3.5 stars <<< Great >>>

There's a decent gulf here between a 3.5 and a 4.0. If an album is pretty static but I do like what I'm hearing, it usually gets placed here. But as you RYMers know, just because something is static does not mean it is bad, so even if it's static it can still be exceptional. Quite an enjoyable, wholesome listen. Often at this point I have a fair smile on my face while listening to the music.

3 stars <<< Good >>>

I like the music but something about it just didn't give that extra spark. Music at this point is still enjoyable, just perhaps empty and thin. GIGANTIC gulf between a 3 star album and a 2.5 star album.

2.5 stars <<< Alright - fairly uninspiring >>>

The quality level of fast food as compared to other cuisine. The general quality level you hear on the modern radio that has some tinges of barely interesting ideas. Does not grate on the ears particularly. Unlikely to ever listen to again. Music in the 2.5-2.0 area is the most recommended by friends.

2 stars <<< Barely Satisfactory - very uninspiring >>>

Close to grating on the ears, but the music at this point is just lifeless and "you've heard one song, you've heard 'em all." Noticeable elements of the music could be a lot better... and probably less pandering. The bad stuff you hear on the radio that makes you roll your eyes.

1.5 stars <<< Bad >>>

Now you've crossed the line. You are insulting my ears with what you are making me listen to. I guess you've earned the award of not being boring, but in the same way that seeing a small fire in your house is not boring.

1 star <<< Very Bad >>>

<screams internally>

0.5 stars <<< Atrocious >>>

<screams externally>




  • Zephos 2013-10-24 01:30:38.389695+00
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  • _olly 2015-04-26 13:55:47.292683+00
    ur "Rude" review is a modern classic ty very much
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  • _olly 2015-04-28 11:25:19.811457+00
    i think ur misinterpreting the lyrics the gross guy from magic! is calling the girl's father rude because he doesn't approve of the marriage. presumably the girlfriend is actually quite nice.
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23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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