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Addison Keeley

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Walk talk and breathe hip hop. Listening to, studying, and reviewing hip hop is my hobby. My lists may upset you because well.. I only add albums after I review them, sorry. If you don't agree with my order, too bad. Here's how my rating system works (my personal preference to the album very rarely effects to my overall opinion on it, or impact)

10- A+ | Perfect, Flawless, (at least no glaring ones) Masterpiece- some aren't even favorites, I could just think they're that amazing of an album. I give out quite a few of these and make sure to explain why in my review for each one. The production & emceeing needs to be perfect, and a song or two could get a pass if not on level with the others
9.5-9.8 (I don't believe in 9.9's)- A | Near-Perfect Classic, just falls short of being a masterpiece; typically is one in one way or another (as in 10/10 range lyrics or production and 9-9.5/10 on the other half)
9.2-9.4- A / 9.0-9.0- A- | Classic, not any of that "impact" bullshit. If it's a career, highlight, or overall hip hop standout (one album can stand out when compared to the many millions put out, kinda like people) rarely overall uniqueness can give it this, but versatility and mostly QUALITY are the determining factor(s)
8.8-8.9- B+ / 8.5-8.7- B | Near Classic, usually an awesome ass album/a classic in one way or another (similar to my 9.5-9.8 album reasoning) just usually have a few songs to wear it down or usually just don't feel like one to me
8.2-8.4- B / 8.0-8.1 B- | Great album, some I'm personally not a big fan of but I try to be honest with their quality. Some are even favorites but I don't try to be biased.
7.8-7.9- C+ / 7.2-7.7- C / 7.0-7.1- C- | Good, sometimes really good and just falls short of excellence. My explination above this one can apply here
6.8-6.9- D+ / 6.2-6.7- D / 6.0-6.2- D- | Some I'm honestly a fan of. 6/10 range is average for me, 6.5 is decent (slightly above it), I'd say most of these are at least worth a try
*rest are on a scale of F*
5.0-5.9- Weak, not horrible. Just kinda lags in quality, mostly tolerable
4.0-4.9- Lame, has SOMEWHAT value, but wack.
3.0-3.9- Pure trash. Always hate this
2.0-2.9- Garbage, not even worth acknowleding
1.0-1.9- Can't get worse than this shit (I don't really believe in 0.5's or 0's)

When I grade raps I like to judge their lyrics (rhymes/multis, depth, wordplay, imagery) flow, and conceptual skills
When I grade beats I like to grade details, versatility, originality (rarely, but could help) and overall how long I could enjoy it even in instrumental form

Thanks for checking out my page!




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