Charts Genres Community
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Can't properly use account
Posted in Sonemic by palceu
palceu 4 Aug, 2020 14:02
I can't access any pages while logged into account and can't edit my profile either, rendering it nearly useless aside from posting in the forums(which i assume still works). Any idea how to fix it?
Also, the constant security checks are kind of annoying, but don't stop me from using the site completely.
[b]text[/b] - bold
[i]text[/i] - italic
[s]strikethrough[/s] - strikethrough
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[color red]text[/color] - colored text (full list)
[spoiler]text[/spoiler] - Text hidden with spoiler cover
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23 mar 2015
8 apr - 12 may 2015
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